
Fešáci     This band has already been popular a few tenth years. And only a few bands had so many past members as it. Everybody in this area know names as Michal Tučný, Tomáš Linka, Petr Novotný, Pavel Brűmer, Hanka Horecká, etc.

They are representative of classic country music.

The beginning of legend band history is in December 1967. The first name was Greenes, later Bluegrass Hoppers.

The basic arrangement was: Pavel Brűmer, Jan Turek and Karel Poláček. They all were young chemists.

The first public show was in one nursery, where children play old traditional about girl with name Susan.

In 1968-1970 they were very successful in Porta. They debuted by live recording from Porta Jackson and studio recording Poslední veřejné oběšení v Západní Virginii and Lora. Both were singed by Jindra Šťáhlavský.

In 1970 and 1972 band recorded two albums. In turning point 70’s, thanks to political pressure all music band with English names and wanted to present themselves, they had to change name to Czech. Bluegrass Hoppers was in same situation. And from that time we can meet Fešáci (Loverboys). The legend say, that one day Pavel Brűmer stayed in front of mirror and he came with new name.

The most famous period came after the first selection of the band Greenhorns in 1974. In this time some famous people came to Fešáci, such as Petr Novotný, Michal Tučný and Tomáš Linka. Under management of Petr Novotný, the band recorded the first album Ostrov Fešáků. Till today there were very popular songs Matterhorn, Jaro, Dárek vánoční and Já tajně cvičím.

In the same time the band changed general band sound, which turned more to modern country music. Evidence of it are songs Paní má se má, Jaro, Sundej z hodin závaží or Zvony.

Saloon Fešáků     Next album Saloon Fešáků brought famous songs such as Kamaráde, pusť ten kolotoč, Sundej z hodin závaží, Dávej vinu dálkám, Svítá ve tvých tvářích. In the same year, the band got award Gold Porta.

Fešáci 2000     The third album Fešáci 2000, besides with songs Paní má se má, Dialog 2000, came in the time, when Michal Tučný decides to leave the band and started solo career (he established the band Tučňáci).

The members in that time were:
Karel Poláček – guitar, sing
Jan Turek – violin, sing
Pavel Brűmer – 5-strings banjo
František Pátek – autoharp, dobro
Robert Moucha – bassguitar, sing
In this membership the band went to tour through US in 1980.

Great asset had been coming of two gagmen – Jozef Mladý and Jozef Alois Náhlovský in 1982, and the band started with cyclic show Salon Fešáků. They recorded album Pošta Fešáci 1.

Two years later, there came also the first ladies – Hana Mladá and Hana Horecká, and in 1985 Tomáš Linka leave the band to open his solo way and he established the band Kanafas.

After Velvet Revolution in 1989 (There was finish of comunists in Czechoslovakia) the band came with total new album, Hviezda Countryon (famous song are Allways On My Mind, Lady, Balím a odcházím, Duhové znamení) and celebrated their 20’s anniversary. The main person on this album is Pavel Brűmer (Komedie plná omylů, Amanda, Hvězda Countryon, Komedianti nestárnou). Fešáci introduced new members as Jindra Malík, Miloš Slezák, Erika Řičicová and present bandmaster Antonín Kny.

In the same year, the band had success with experiment – 12 hours marathon – Fešácky maratón. There came about 25 thousand people.

As celebration of their 25 years existention, they created big show – galaconcert in Prague with about 1000 artists. The top was show of Emmylou Harris in Czech.
In 1992, from band exit Petr Novotný, who was many years the bandmaster, later also duo gagmen, Mladý – Náhlovský. It was hard shot. Some members came back to sing with band again (Tomáš Linka, Jindra Šťáhlavský) and after exit Erika Kahounová and Blanka Šurková, the band was again band with only men members.

30-years they celebrated by tour through Australia and recorded annual album Fešáci 30 let. They made more concert in Czech and also one in Slovakia. I was on two concerts. They were great. Many famous songs, many funny skits. Just great atmosphere.

From Australia they bring many themes for new songs and in 1998 new album with these songs was recorded.
The sister’s band is Cadilac with Pavel Brűmer.

Actual members:
* Jindra Šťáhlavský – sing, guitar
* Jindra Malík – sing, perkuse
* Tomáš Linka – sing, mouth orcan
* Robert Moucha – sing, bass
* Antonín Kny – sing a guitar
* Petr Kocman – sing a guitar
* František Pátek – dobro, vocal, perkuse
* Jan Turek – moderate, vocal, violin
* Ladislav Bartoš – bass guitar, vocal
* Pavel Macar – keyboard
* Martin Melničenko – drum, perkuse

* Ostrov Fešáků, Panton, 1975
* Salon Fešáků, Panton, 1977
* Fešáci 2000, Panton, 1981
* Pošta Fešáci 1, Panton, 1983
* Hvězda Countryon, Firma 6P, 1990
* Fešáci ’92: Jedeme dál, Monitor, 1992
* Fešáci 25 Live, Firma 6P, 1993
* Dokud můžem, Firma 6P, 1994
* Fešáci: 30 let, Monitor, 1997
* Fešáci – Gold, Popron, 1997
* Fešáci u klokanů, AB Studio, 1998
* Fešáci v kristových letech, Monitor EMI, 2000
* Fešáci: 35 let, Venkow/Universal, 2002
* Fešáci / Bluegrass Hoppers, Supraphon, 2004
* Fešáci v Lucerně (DVD), Supraphon, 2004
* Fešáci: Je nám 40, Vaško Music, 2007

* Vánoční čas
* Lámat skály
* Fešácký song
* Radio
* Paní má se má
* Sundej z hodin závaží
* Dívka z Rocky Moutain
* Prodavač
* Od ní
* Kamaráde, pusť ten kolotoč
* Strašidelný vlak
* Pojedou
* Ohio
* Osud
* Jaro
* Náš vůz
* Matterhorn
* Svítá ve tvých tvářích
* Lojza a Líza
* Poslední veřejné oběšení v Západní Virginii
* Dialog 2000
* Co na Fešáky neplatí
* Zas mě volá Georgia
* Šéfe
* Duhové znamení
* Komedianti nestárnou
* Country bál
* Hvězda Countryon
* Dnes beru
* Jsi pojem
* Bílý hrob
* Deprese
* Konec smutku
* Jak se mám

Paní má se má

Dnes beru


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